Are Stress And Anxiety Compromising Your Ability To Get Things Done?


Do you work so hard to be on top of your game all the time that you never have a chance to relax and enjoy what you have? Are you an ambitious professional who uses success to achieve validation because, somewhere deep down, you worry that you are not “good enough”?

Perhaps you are a small business owner and have invested your heart and soul into your work, but the uncertainty of keeping everything above water is wearing away at your health. Or maybe you are a stay-at-home mom who seems to have it all—wealth, health, and a happy relationship—yet somehow, you still feel as if something is missing in your life.

For many high-functioning individuals, symptoms of stress and anxiety can manifest in ways that are not as obvious as negative thoughts, persistent dread, or panic attacks. For instance, you may find yourself over-planning, procrastinating, or self-sabotaging your personal life because of an underlying fear of failure.

At work, you likely worry that people will think that you are an “imposter” so you spend a lot of time second-guessing yourself, over-working, or trying to be perfect. And if you are in a relationship, you may have difficulty setting boundaries or even connecting with others as you struggle to prioritize work over your personal life.

At Catalyst Counseling, we understand that success, affluence, or power doesn’t make anyone immune to anxiety or any of life’s other challenges. So even if it seems like you are doing it all—like you have it all—we can still help you heal, grow, and discover your true worth.

Stress And Anxiety Can Affect Even Those Who Have A Good Life

Anxiety is a normal human experience that originates from your body’s autonomic nervous system. That might sound like a mouthful, but it just means that you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who hasn’t experienced anxiety of some sort. Whether it’s taking a test, becoming a parent, changing careers, coping with an illness, or any other adverse experience—anxiety affects everyone. However, when fear or self-doubt alters how you live or make decisions, it can become maladaptive or disruptive.


Though anxiety can be a result of genetics or a chemical imbalance, it is often caused or exacerbated by external factions. For instance, overworking and performance-based careers often fuel stress, worry, and self-doubt that can riddle your physical and emotional well-being. Social media and the fear of missing out (FOMO) can feed the notion that you are not on the same level as your peers—or that they are judging you the same way you are judging yourself. Just the sheer uncertainty of the future can trigger anxiety symptoms that can have a powerful impact on your life.

Unfortunately, many people are not equipped with the support network they need to talk about anxiety, so they turn to coping strategies like alcohol, edibles, compulsive shopping, or even over-traveling. However, our therapists at Catalyst Counseling understand what you are going through, and we can offer compassionate guidance to help you take practical steps in overcoming anxiety and finding fulfillment in your life.

Anxiety Treatment Gives You Permission To Feel Happy And At Peace With Your Life

For many high-achievers, professionals, and stay-at-home moms, the thought of seeking therapy for anxiety is mired in a lot of shame and guilt. However, working with an anxiety counselor gives you a place to hang your hat and bare your deepest fears and concerns with zero judgment. In fact, shame is welcomed here, and we can let it sit next to us until it realizes that it doesn’t need to be around anymore. Anxiety treatment gives you space to be real, to be you, to be ugly or scared or insecure with someone who genuinely understands and cares.


In our first session, we will meet for 90 minutes to get to know each other a little better. At that time, you will have a chance to talk about who you are, where you came from, and what is important to you. We will also look at your anxiety symptoms and identify any helpful or harmful coping mechanisms. And we can demonstrate how therapy works and what makes it successful.

In subsequent sessions, you and your anxiety therapist will work together as detectives, examining your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to connect the puzzle pieces and reveal the true source of your wounding. That can include looking at your inner child and seeing what they need to feel safe, content, and valued too. Once we have a clear picture of what you are going through and why, we can kick in an action plan for taking care of yourself, now, and in the future.  

At Catalyst Counseling, we use a comprehensive mind-body approach to treating anxiety that promotes healing on an emotional, physical, and psychological level. Using various brain-based, neuro-experiential treatment methods, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), Motivational Interviewing, and Brainspotting (just to name a few), we can help you create a roadmap for managing stress, improving self-confidence, and overcoming anxiety.

A unique aspect of our approach is that we focus a lot on reparenting, which is simply the act of giving yourself now what you didn’t receive as a child. So even if abuse or neglect in your past has fostered fear, anxiety, or negative ideas about yourself, you can still make conscious, positive changes as an adult. That being said, you are ultimately the pace car in this process, setting the tone, topic, and intensity of our sessions.

Whatever you are going through, you do have a chance to completely change the way you see yourself, the world, and your potential for feeling at peace. We can show you how to love, forgive, and accept yourself with kindness and compassion. At the same time, you can find long-lasting relief from anxiety and badgering thoughts by learning how to be calmer, more present, and grateful for who you are and what you have accomplished.

Perhaps you are considering anxiety treatment, but you still have some concerns…

I’m worried about the cost of anxiety it covered by insurance?

Although we cannot accept insurance, we can still offer you a superbill that may help you get reimbursed. Additionally, we offer variable rates depending on who you decide to work with. That being said, anxiety treatment is a short-term investment that can pay off indefinitely. Life is already difficult enough—you shouldn’t have to struggle just to feel safe and content. Whether money is an issue or you are skeptical, nervous, or scared, therapy can set you free from fear to live the life you intended.

I feel like this whole process of working with an anxiety therapist is weird.

You’re right! The therapeutic relationship is one of the most unique and strangest bonds you will ever experience. And for good reason! Therapy allows you to focus only on yourself. You get to share all of your beliefs, dreams, and thoughts—even your darkness. It can be such a relief just talking to someone who doesn’t have a stake in how you choose to live your life. So anxiety therapy feels weird because, unlike any other relationship, it only requires you to focus on yourself, your goals, and what makes you happy.

How do I know my therapist will understand me and not make things worse?

Therapy is a field in which life experience is a crucial factor. Succeeding, failing, striving, being hurt, and finding joy enables therapists like us to be real and fully utilize our academic knowledge, personal insight, and professional skills. Life experience gives us the insight and awareness to empathize with our clients to achieve healing without making matters worse. So if you are nervous about seeing a therapist, rest assured that we understand how you feel and can help.

Let Us Help You Find Peace And Contentment

If you are struggling with stress and anxiety or if you just can’t seem to enjoy all that you have accomplished, we can help. Our anxiety counselors have years of experience helping individuals reclaim their life from fear and doubt. Please use our contact page to schedule your first session or call (281) 660-1351 for your free, 15-minute consultation.


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